For samarbeid med XD Connects gjelder begrepene slik de er angitt i dokumentene nedenfor.

1. Bruksvilkår for bedriftsportalen til
2. General terms and conditions


Disse bruksvilkårene, som av og til kan bli endret, utgjør den sentrale delen av det juridiske forholdet mellom brukeren og XD Connects med hensyn til bruk av portalen. Et unntak er når disse bruksvilkårene på grunn av lover, forskrifter eller skriftlige avtaler ikke kan benyttes eller bare kan benyttes i begrenset omfang. Generelle vilkår som foreslås av brukeren, vil bli avvist.

XD Connects forbeholder seg retten til å endre eller supplere disse bruksvilkårene eller enkeltpunkter i dem når som helst og uten forutgående varsel til brukeren.

1. Definisjoner og tolkninger

1.1 I disse bruksvilkårene gjelder følgende definisjoner:
«Konto» betyr brukernavn og passord som gir tilgang til portalen.
«Avtale» betyr avtalen mellom brukeren og XD Connects når det gjelder bruk av portalen.
«Punkt» betyr et punkt i disse bruksvilkårene.
«Parter» betyr brukeren og XD Connects.
«Part» betyr enten brukeren eller XD Connects.
«Portal» betyr bedriftsportalen til XD Connects, også kjent som «», der brukeren har mulighet til å bestille og kjøpe produkter i nettbutikken.
«Produkt» betyr et produkt og/eller tilbehør som kan kjøpes fra nettbutikken via portalen.
«Bruksvilkår» betyr disse bruksvilkårene.
«Bruker» betyr enhver person som mottar eller har mottatt et tilbud fra XD Connects som gjelder å oppfylle en avtale, og/eller enhver person som XD Connects oppfyller eller har oppfylt en avtale med. «Nettbutikk» betyr nettbutikken til XD Connects, der brukeren har mulighet til å bestille og kjøpe produkter.
«XD Connects» betyr XD Connects B.V., som er juridisk registrert i Leidschendam i Nederland og har adressen Lange Kleiweg 6-28, 2288 GK Rijswijk, Nederland.

1.2 Definisjoner og betingelser i disse bruksvilkårene som ikke er forklart på annen måte, skal – med mindre noe annet framgår av sammenhengen – ha den betydningen som er beskrevet i punkt 1.1.

1.3 Ord i entall omfatter også flertallsbetydningen og motsatt, og ord som ikke er kjønnsnøytrale, omfatter også andre kjønn.

1.4 Overskriftene er kun til referanse og skal på ingen måte påvirke betydningen eller tolkningen av bestemmelsene i disse bruksvilkårene.

1.5 Hvis en bestemmelse i disse bruksvilkårene kjennes ugyldig eller på et senere tidspunkt mister sin gyldighet, vil de andre bestemmelsene i bruksvilkårene fortsatt gjelde. Den ugyldige bestemmelsene skal da erstattes av en alternativ, gyldig bestemmelse, og denne skal være så lik den opprinnelige bestemmelsen som mulig med tanke på det tiltenkte formålet med den.

2. Avtale

Avtalen trer i kraft når brukeren har mottatt en konto til portalen fra XD Connects. Kontoinformasjonen sendes av XD Connects etter at brukeren har registrert seg ved å fylle ut et registreringsskjema fra XD Connects og har godtatt disse bruksvilkårene. XD Connects forbeholder seg derimot retten til ikke å sende kontoinformasjon til en bruker, og dette skal anses som at ingen avtale er inngått.

3. Priser

Prisene kan endres uten varsel. Ved avvik mellom prisene i en fysisk katalog fra XD Connects og prisene i nettkatalogen (nettbutikken) til XD Connects, er det prisene i nettkatalogen som gjelder.

4. Lisens

Brukerlisensen til portalen fra XD Connects er personlig, global, avgiftsfri, ikke-overførbar og ikke-eksklusiv.

5. Bruk av portalen

5.1 Brukeren er ansvarlig for sikkerheten og konfidensialiteten til portalkontoen og skal sikre at ingen uautoriserte får tilgang til portalen eller innholdet på den. Brukeren er ansvarlig for bruken av portalen og for informasjon og innhold som oppgis eller deles på portalen. Brukeren skal treffe alle tiltak som er nødvendige for å sikre at tilgang til og bruk av portalen skjer i samsvar med disse bruksvilkårene. Brukeren må omgående varsle XD Connects hvis det oppdages uautorisert eller ulisensiert bruk av kontoen og/eller portalen, eller ved eventuelle andre brudd på portalsikkerheten. Ved slutten av hver økt, er brukeren pålagt å logge seg ut av portalen.

5.2 Alle som benytter brukerens konto, anses som juridisk autorisert til å handle på vegne av brukeren og har dermed fullmakt til å inngå avtaler med XD Connects på vegne av brukeren.

5.3 Følgende er forbudt for brukeren: a. Overføre kontoen til en annen fysisk eller juridisk person eller enhet. b. Bruke en annen brukers konto c. Ødelegge, slette, deaktivere, kopiere eller overta eierskap av portalen eller gjøre den utilgjengelig for andre. d. Endre portalen, bortsett fra når dette er uttrykkelig tillatt av XD Connects. e. Kopiere, reprodusere, demontere, dekompilere eller dekonstruere portalen. f. Prøve å få tilgang til eller bruke områder på portalen som ikke er offentlig tilgjengelige.

5.4 XD Connects kan på eget skjønn avgjøre hvorvidt det har skjedd et brudd på betingelsene i punkt 5.3.

5.5 Etter eget skjønn forbeholder XD Connects seg retten til på midlertidig basis å gjøre informasjon og innhold utilgjengelig for brukeren, gjøre brukerkontoen utilgjengelig eller slette brukerkontoen. Dette kan skje med eller uten varsel til brukeren og uten at brukeren kan påberope seg noen rettigheter til å få dette endret.

5.6 Når det gjelder bestillinger, salg og kjøp av produkter via portalen, samt levering av produkter, gjelder de generelle bedriftsvilkårene til XD Connects.

6. Tilgjengelighet, endringer og vedlikehold av portalen

6.1 XD Connects har tillatelse til å lagre brukerens innhold og informasjon. XD Connects er derimot ikke pålagt å lagre brukerens innhold og informasjon eller å oppgi innhold og informasjon.

6.2 XD Connects avgjør innholdet på portalen og forbeholder seg retten til midlertidig å endre portalen etter eget skjønn.

7. Immaterielle rettigheter

Alle immaterielle rettigheter som er en del av avtalen eller som måtte oppstå i forbindelse med den, tilhører XD Connects. Brukeren kan ikke bestride eierskapet til disse rettighetene. All informasjon som er en del av eller som følger av de immaterielle rettighetene, tilhører XD Connects og skal ikke gjøres tilgjengelig for noen tredjepart, med mindre dette på forhånd er spesifikt avtalt i skriftlig format med XD Connects.

8. Ansvarsbegrensning

8.1 Portalen er til enhver tid tilgjengelig for brukeren slik den framstår og slik den er tilgjengelig.

8.2 XD Connects frasier seg enhver form for eksplisitt eller implisitt garanti når det gjelder portalen. Dette omfatter, men er ikke begrenset til, en garanti for selve innholdet, for nøyaktigheten og aktualiteten til innholdet og for informasjonen på portalen.

8.3 XD Connects garanterer ikke at portalen alltid vil fungere på riktig måte eller uten begrensninger og avbrudd.

8.4 XD Connects garanterer ikke for integriteten til kommunikasjon som sendes eller mottas via portalen, og heller ikke for at kommunikasjonen er fri for feil, virus, avlytting eller forstyrrelser.

8.5 Inne på portalen kan det finnes koblinger til eksterne nettsteder, systemer eller funksjoner. XD Connects skal ikke holdes ansvarlig for bruk av eller innhold på nettsteder, systemer eller funksjoner som portalen viderekobler til.

8.6 Ingenting i disse bruksvilkårene skal utelukke eller begrense følgende: a. ethvert ansvar som det juridisk er avgjort at hovedsakelig skyldes forsettlig forsømmelse eller grov uaktsomhet fra XD Connects side; og b. alle andre forpliktelser som ikke juridisk kan begrenses eller utelukkes i henhold til gjeldende lov.

8.7 Med unntak av punkt 8.3, samtykker brukeren i at XD Connects totalansvar ved feil som kan tilskrives portalen eller eventuelt andre feil, er begrenset oppad til 500 EUR.

8.8 XD Connects skal under ingen omstendigheter kunne holdes ansvarlig for eventuelle følgeskader eller indirekte tap eller skader. Dette omfatter, men er ikke begrenset til, tap av fortjeneste, tapte besparelser eller tap som skyldes driftsavbrudd.

9. Avtalens varighet og opphør

9.1 Avtalen inngås på ubestemt tid.

9.2 XD Connects kan når som helst og med umiddelbar virkning si opp avtalen uten å oppgi noen grunn til dette, og uten at brukeren kan påberope seg noen rettigheter eller kreve kompensasjon. Brukeren kan si opp avtalen når som helst med en oppsigelsesperiode på én (1) måned.

9.3 Avtalen skal opphøre umiddelbart i juridisk forstand, og uten at brukeren kan påberope seg noen rettigheter, dersom brukeren: a. ikke kan betjene betalingene sine; b. har meldt seg konkurs; eller c. har blitt erklært konkurs.

9.4 Alle unntak og begrensninger vedrørende ansvar og erstatninger som er angitt i disse bruksvilkårene, gjelder fortsatt etter at avtalen har utløpt eller er opphørt.

10. Force majeure

Ingen av partene skal holdes ansvarlig for forsinkelser eller uregelmessigheter som direkte eller indirekte skyldes omstendigheter eller årsaker utenfor partens rimelige kontroll.

11. Overdragelse av rettigheter og forpliktelser

11.1 Brukeren har ingen rett til å selge og/eller overføre rettigheter og/eller forpliktelser som følger av avtalen til en tredjepart, med mindre noe annet er skriftlig avtalt.

11.2 XD Connects har lov til å overdra sine egne rettigheter i avtalen til en tredjepart. I den grad det er nødvendig, skal brukeren umiddelbart samarbeide, fatte de nødvendige tiltakene og overføre de dokumentene som kreves eller forespørres for at en slik overdragelse av rettigheter skal kunne finne sted.

12. Gjeldende lov og domstol

12.1 Partenes juridiske rettigheter er underlagt nederlandsk lov.

12.2 Alle uenigheter eller tvister mellom partene som oppstår på grunn av eller i forbindelse med avtalen, skal primært avgjøres utelukkende av distriktsdomstolen i Haag i Nederland, men dette skal ikke berøre XD Connects rett til å benytte enhver annen kompetent domstol.


These Terms and Conditions, as amended from time to time, form an integral part of all legal relationships between the Customer and XD Connects, except when the applicability of these Terms and Conditions is excluded or restricted by law, regulations or written agreement. Any general terms and conditions proposed by the Customer are rejected explicitly.

1. Definitions and interpretation

1.1 In these Terms and Conditions the following definitions apply:
Agreement means the agreement between the Customer and XD Connects with regard to the order, sale, purchase and delivery of Products by XD Connects, together with these Terms and Conditions.
Article means any article of these Terms and Conditions.
Customer means any (natural or legal) person(s) that XD Connects makes or made an offer to regarding the conclusion of an Agreement, and/or any (natural or legal) person(s) with whom XD Connects concludes or concluded an Agreement.
Parties means the Customer and XD Connects.
Party means either the Customer or XD Connects.
Product means any product and/or accessory that is available for purchase by XD Connects.
Promotional Customer means a Customer who sells the Products within the promotional market, to a company, association or organization who in turn will distribute the Products free of charge as part of a promotional, loyalty, award or reward program.
Retail Customer means a Customer who sells the Products directly or indirectly to consumers.
Terms and Conditions means these general terms and conditions. XD Connects means XD Connects B.V., having its statutory seat in Leidschendam, the Netherlands and its address at Lange Kleiweg 6-28 2288 GK Rijswijk, the Netherlands.

1.2 Definitions and terms in these Terms and Conditions that are indicated with a capital letter and are not otherwise defined, shall, unless otherwise evidenced by the context, have the meaning as described in Article 1.1.

1.3 Words in the singular include the plural meaning and words in the plural include the singular meaning; use of any gender includes the other genders.

1.4 Headings are for reference only and shall not affect the meaning or interpretation of any provision of these Terms and Conditions.

2. Offers

All offers and other statements of XD Connects shall be without the obligation as concerns price, delivery times and possibility of delivery and shall only serve as an invitation to place an order at XD Connects.

3. Agreements

3.1 Agreements shall only be binding upon XD Connects, also in the case that they have been concluded on behalf of XD Connects by intermediaries (representatives), after such has been confirmed by XD Connects in writing.

3.2 Acceptance of an offer, the order of a Product or the purchase of a Product implies that the Customers accepts the applicability of these Terms and Conditions.

3.3 All indications of weight, dimension and other (technical) specifications provided by XD Connects are given in good faith and conscience, but XD Connects can not guarantee that there will be no deviations from such indications. Mistakes, such as typing and printing errors, technical or color deviations or price modifications shall not be binding upon XD Connects.

3.4 XD Connects is entitled to assign third parties to execute the Agreement.

4. Prices and payment

4.1 All prices mentioned by XD Connects shall be exclusive of turnover tax (VAT), other levies imposed by the government (if applicable) as well as shipping and other costs related to the Agreement incurred by XD Connects, which may be charged separately to the Customer, unless agreed otherwise in writing. Except where agreed otherwise, all prices are in euros in all cases and the Customer must effect all payments in euros. Prices are subject to change without notice. In the event of any conflict between the prices shown in a physical catalogue of XD Connects and the prices shown in the online catalogue (the webshop) of XD Connects, the prices shown in the online catalogue shall prevail.

4.2 The Customer is responsible for providing XD Connects with a correct VAT identification number. In the event the Customer fails to provide a correct VAT identification number to XD Connects, the Customer shall be liable for the damages suffered by XD Connects as a result thereof. In any case XD Connects reserves the right to charge the Customer the applicable VAT rate for the Products delivered to the Customer.

4.3 Unless otherwise agreed upon in writing, the invoices of XD Connects are due an payable by the Customer fourteen days after invoice date and must be paid to XD Connects unconditionally, without any discount, deductions, settlement, withholdings or delays for whichever reason.

4.4 If the Customer consists of more than one natural and/or legal persons, each of these persons shall be joint and severally liable in respect of payment of the amounts due on the basis of the Agreement.

4.5 Complaints relevant to any of the invoices of XD Connects must be submitted to XD Connects in writing within seven (7) days of the invoice date, with a substantiation of the complaint; failing that, the Customer shall be deemed to have accepted the invoice as correct.

4.6 If the Customer fails to pay the amounts due to XD Connects within the applicable payment period, the Customer shall by law be in default. During this period of default, the Customer is due a penalty interest rate of 1,5% per month or partial month on the total amount due.

4.7 In the event of (extra)judicial collection, the Customer shall be charged both the principal amount and the penalty interest rate and the actual collection costs incurred by XD Connects. The (extra)judicial costs will amount to at least 15% of the principal amount.

5. Typesetting, printing or other proofs

5.1 XD Connects shall be entitled to store, save and use graphic material provided by the Customer to XD Connects.

5.2 The Customer shall be obliged to examine typesetting, printing or other proofs provided by XD Connects to the Customer carefully for errors and defects and give his approval or disapproval, by a proper written notice of the errors and/or defects which is as detailed as possible, to XD Connects within seven (7) days of the date of receipt of the typesetting, printing or other proofs; failing that, the Customer shall be deemed to have approved the typesetting, printing or other proof. XD Connects shall not be liable for errors and defects that remained unnoticed in the typesetting, printing or other proofs which have been approved.

5.3 After approval of the typesetting, printing or other proofs by the Customer, the (underlying design of or on) the Product shall not be changed. The Customer however can request for changes after approval of the typesetting, printing or other proofs, in which case the Customer shall be charged for all the costs related to changes requested.

5.4 It cannot be ruled out that the typesetting, printing or other proofs on the one hand and (the design of or on) the delivered Products on the other hand, slightly deviate from each other, without the Customer being able to derive any rights therefrom.

6. Delivery

6.1 All periods and dates given by XD Connects are target dates only and shall not have a binding effect on XD Connects and shall in all cases be merely indicative. Exceeding these periods and dates shall not mean that XD Connects is in default and therefore shall not give the Customer the right to terminate the Agreement completely or partly, nor shall the Customer be entitled to claim compensation.

6.2 Periods and dates for the delivery of Products that are manufactured or processed for the Customer according to his designs or specifications shall be determined definitively by XD Connects after approval of the typesetting, printing or other proofs by the Customer as set out in Article 5.2. XD Connects shall only be in default as the Customer has given written notice of default, which is as detailed as possible and in which XD Connects has been given a reasonable time period to meet her obligations.

6.3 Products shall be delivered duty paid at the agreed place of delivery, unless agreed otherwise in writing. As soon as the Product has been delivered, the Customer bears the risk for all direct and indirect damage that may occur on or on account of the Product, even if the consignment is sent carriage-paid.

6.4 XD Connects shall be entitled to provide partial deliveries of Products, without the Customer being able to derive any rights therefrom. These Terms and Conditions shall apply to each partial delivery.

6.5 XD Connects shall be entitled to provide additional or lower deliveries of Products up to a tolerance limit of 5%, without the Customer being able to derive any rights therefrom.

6.6 The Customer may only return incorrectly delivered Products to XD Connects with prior written approval of XD Connects, in any case under the conditions that: a. the Products are undamaged, unused, unmarked and in their original, unopened packaging; and b. the Products conform to the normal range of Products of XD Connects; Products that are manufactured or processed for the Customer according to his designs or specifications cannot be returned, unless previously and specifically agreed to in writing.

6.7 If, to the sole discretion of XD Connects, XD Connects is taking action or is cooperating with her suppliers to initiate recall actions, the Customer shall be obliged to cooperate in accordance with the procedures set out by XD Connects.

7. Inspection and complaints

7.1 Upon acceptance or receipt of the Products the Customer is obliged to examine the Products and to notify defects to XD Connects in writing without delay, but in any case within eight (8) days after acceptance or receipt of the Products. The Customer may only return non-conforming Products to XD Connects with prior written approval of XD Connects. If XD Connects agrees with the return of the Products, she shall send the Customer a return code, which shall have to be clearly indicated on the package of the Product.

7.2 All claims of the Customer towards XD Connects shall in any case expire irrevocably: a. when the time limit for complaints as set out in Article 7.1 has expired; b. if the Customer proceeds to or has someone proceed to any dismantling, repair or other work concerning the Products; c. if the Products have been processed in any manner by anyone other than XD Connects; d. if the Customer does not cooperate regarding an investigation of the merits of the complaints; e. if the Customer has resold the Products.

7.3 In the event of the presence of a defect for which XD Connects is responsible, XD Connects is entitled to subsequent fulfilment by choosing at her discretion between: a. removing the defect; b. delivering a defect-free Product; c. replacing the Product with another product of the same kind; or d. crediting the purchase price of the non-conforming Products.

7.4 In any case the guarantee does not include defects which arise from or are completely or partly caused by: a. not taking into account the operating and maintenance instructions of the Products or other than anticipated normal use of the Products; b. normal wear and tear of the Products; c. repair by the Customer or by third parties of the Products; d. the application of any government regulation regarding the nature or the quality of the materials of the Products.

8. Guarantees

Unless previously and specifically agreed to in writing, XD Connects offers no guarantee on the Products.

9. Resale of Products

9.1 The Customer shall be prohibited to use third party market places such as ‘’, ‘Fnac’, ‘La Redoute’, ‘Amazon’, ‘Cdiscount’, ‘PriceMinister’ and ‘eBay’ to resell any of the Products.

9.2 The Customer shall be prohibited to resell any of the Products via ‘one deal a day’ or ‘flash sales’ such as ‘Groupon’. XD Connects reserves the right to refuse or cancel the order of a Promotional Customer, if XD Connects suspects the Promotional Customer is purchasing Products to resell for retail purposes. The Promotional Customer is obliged to impose the prohibition to resell any of the Products direct or indirect for retail purposes on his own customers.

9.3 The Retail Customer shall be prohibited to resell any of the Products direct or indirect for non-commercial or non-retail purposes, for instance as part of a promotional, loyalty, award or reward program, unless it concerns an unsolicited order.

10. Retention of title and rights

10.1 All Products delivered to the Customer shall remain the property of XD Connects until such time as all amounts owed by the Customer to XD Connects pursuant to the Agreement have been paid in full.

10.2 Rights, including rights of use, shall be granted to the Customers to the condition that the Customer complies with all the obligations deriving from the Agreement.

10.3 If third parties want to create any right on or enforce any right to the Products delivered subject to retention of title, the Customer must notify XD Connects accordingly immediately.

10.4 If there is serious doubt to XD Connects to the payment capacity of the Customer, XD Connects is entitled to postpone the delivery of Products, until the Customer has provided security for the payment. The Customer is liable for the damages suffered by XD Connects by the delayed delivery.

11. Customer products

11.1 If Customer sends products to XD Connects to add to or incorporate in any Products, such as the MyBoXD Product, and these Customer products are missing or damaged and no (sufficient) extra products have been provided by Customer so that the Product is incomplete according to the specifications of Customer, any such incomplete Product will be sent by XD Connects to the address provided by the Customer for that purpose or, in the absence thereof, to the postal address of Customer.

11.2 All such Customer products sent by Customer to XD Connects as referred to in Article 11.1 shall remain the property of Customer, also after addition to or incorporation in any Products, and shall not become the property of XD Connects at any time. Customer shall maintain adequate insurance for such Customer products for the time that these items remain the property of Customer.

11.3 By way of derogation from Article 15.2 and 15.3 but without prejudice to Article 15.1, XD Connects shall not be liable for any loss or damages whatsoever suffered or incurred by Customer or any other person or entity in connection to the Customer products as referred to in Article 11.1. Customer shall indemnify XD Connects and hold XD Connects harmless from and against any and all losses or damages whatsoever arising from any claims, demands or suits by other persons or entities relating to such Customer products.

12. Intellectual property rights

The intellectual property rights, created or embodied in or arising out of or in connection with the Agreement remain the sole property of XD Connects. The Customer shall not during or at any time after the fulfillment of the Agreement dispute the ownership of such rights. All information contained in or arising out of the intellectual property rights is propriety to XD Connects and shall not be made available to third parties unless previously and specifically agreed to in writing by XD Connects.

13. Changes of the Agreement

Deviations from the Agreement shall be effected by documents executed by authorized representatives of XD Connects.

14. Cancellation and termination of the Agreement

14.1 In exceptional cases, such at the discretion of XD Connects, XD Connects can consent to the cancellation of the Agreement; this consent must be given in writing. In case of cancellation of the Agreement all costs together with damages and interest shall be charged to the Customer.

14.2 The Customer shall only be entitled to rescind the Agreement if XD Connects imputably fails to perform material obligations under the Agreement, in all cases after XD Connects has received a proper written notice of default which is as detailed as possible and in which XD Connects has been given a reasonable time period to remedy the breach.

14.3 XD Connects may terminate the Agreement immediately by giving written notice in the event the Customer: a. is granted a suspension of payments; b. has filed a request for its own bankruptcy; or c. has been declared bankrupt.

14.4 XD Connects may terminate the Agreement with immediate effect upon written notice to the Customer if XD Connects determines that a. a governmental, regulatory, or professional entity, or an entity having the force of law, has introduced anew, or modified an existing, law, rule, regulation, interpretation, or decision, the result of which would render the performance of XD Connects of any party of the Agreement illegal or otherwise unlawful or in conflict with independence or professional rules; or b. circumstances change such that the performance of XD Connects of any part of the Agreement would be illegal or otherwise unlawful or in conflict with professional rules.

14.5 If the Customer at the time of the rescission referred to in Article 14.2 has already received performance in connection with the execution of the Agreement, this performance and the related payment obligation cannot be revoked, unless the Customer proves that XD Connects is in default with regard to that performance. Amounts which XD Connects has invoiced before the rescission in connection with by the Customer received proper performance under the Agreement, shall remain to be owed in full, subject to the provisions in the preceding sentence, and shall be immediately payable at the time of rescission.

14.6 All exclusions and limitations of liability and any indemnities set out in these Terms and Conditions shall survive expiry of termination of the Agreement.

15. Limitation of liability

15.1 Nothing in the Agreement shall exclude or restrict: a. any liability finally judicially determined to arise primarily from the willful misconduct or comparable instance of gross negligence of XD Connects; or b. any other liabilities which cannot lawfully be limited or excluded, save to the extent permitted by law.

15.2 Without prejudice to Article 15.3, the Customer agrees that the total liability of XD Connects due to an attributable failure to perform the Agreement or due to any other reason, shall be limited to the sum stipulated for the (delivery) value under the Agreement (exclusive of VAT).

15.3 The liability of XD Connects for loss as a result of death, physical injury or due to material damage to items shall under no circumstances exceed two times the sum stipulated for the Agreement (exclusive of VAT).

15.4 In no event shall XD Connects be liable for any consequential or indirect loss or damage, including but not limited to loss of profits, lost savings or loss due to business interruption.

16. Force majeure

Neither Party shall be liable for any delays or nonperformance directly or indirectly resulting from circumstances or causes beyond its reasonable control.

17. Transfer of rights and obligations

17.1 The Customer shall not be entitled to sell and/or transfer the rights and/or obligations arising from the Agreement to a third party, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing.

17.2 XD Connects shall be entitled to transfer her rights under the Agreement to a third party. To the extent necessary the Customer shall immediately cooperate and take such actions and execute such documents as necessary or desirable to effect such transfer of rights.

18. Applicable law and competent court

18.1 The mutual legal position of the Parties is governed by Dutch law.

18.2 All differences between parties that may arise due to or in connection with the Agreement, shall primarily by exclusion be resolved by the District Court of The Hague, The Netherlands, such without prejudice to the right of XD Connects to address any other competent court.